Custom Incense Boxes


Customer Review: 4.9 rating

In order to suit the demands of various industries and products, Custom Boxes Land offers organizations specialized printing and packaging solutions. For the best in one-of-a-kind, handcrafted items from our website check out our selection of Custom incense boxes.


Order Your Custom Packaging Boxes Quickly & Easily

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    Get the Custom Incense Boxes At Wholesale Rate:

    Our goal is to produce incense boxes of the finest caliber that cover the highest standards of perfection. To ensure that our boxes are strong enough and damage-resistant, they are crafted from premium materials with complete care. You can be sure that your products will be safeguarded and shown in the best possible manner thanks to our emphasis on quality.

    Custom Sizes & Shapes:

    Custom Boxes Land knows that each product has specific packaging needs. To satisfy the unique requirements of our customers, we offer incense boxes in custom sizes and shapes. Together you and our talented design team may create a special package option that fits your brand and product.

    To ensure that each box is made with accuracy and care we use cutting-edge manufacturing procedures. Our handmade incense boxes are built from premium components that are long-lasting, and sturdy. You may choose from a range of shapes and sizes from us to ensure that your product is shown in the greatest way possible.

    Our team is devoted to offering outstanding quality and customer service and we are honored to be a reliable partner for companies of all sizes and in a variety of sectors. We have the knowledge and capabilities to suit your demands whether you require a small batch of personalized boxes or a substantial manufacturing run.

    Quality Printing:

    Custom Boxes Land is aware of the substantial influence printing quality may have on the visual appeal of your goods. For example, consider the incense boxes you sell. Because of this, we provide high-quality printing services for incense boxes to help you make sure your package looks the best possible. 

    Our crisp, clear graphics and vivid colors are produced using cutting-edge printing technology, making your boxes stand out on the shelves.

    We can work with you to develop a design that captures the soul of your brand and product whether you need special graphics or just basic branding.

    Design Support:

    Custom Boxes Land provides design assistance to manufacture incense boxes that perfectly represent your company and its goods. Our talented design team can collaborate with you to create a distinctive and striking design that captures your taste and vision. 

    To assist you in selecting the ideal solution for your needs we may give you design concepts, templates, and prototypes.

    We know that designing bespoke packaging may be a difficult task so we try to make it as simple and stress-free as we can. We’ll assist your incense boxes to leave a positive impression on your customers by putting a strong emphasis on design.

    Secure Payment:

    We are mindful that when clients order unique incense boxes security payment is one of their top concerns. To protect the security of your transactions we provide a variety of secure payment solutions. You can rely on us to safeguard your private data and deliver a smooth ordering experience.


    Dimensions All Custom Sizes & Styles
    Color Scheme CMYK Full Color Printing Process, PMS Colors Printing, Plain White or Brown, Print Outside or Inside Only, Print Outside and Inside
    Paper Stock 14pt to 28pt (100lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Natural Brown Kraft Paperboard, C1S White Paperboard, Corrugated, Bux Board, paper / vinyl sticker
    Quantities 100 to 10,000,000 PER SKU
    Finishing Gloss, Matte, Spot UV, Soft Touch
    Default Process Die Cutting, Gluing, Scoring, Perforation (if required)
    Add-ons Custom Size & Shape Open or PVC Window Cut Out, Gold / Silver / Holographic / Rose Gold Foiling, Embossing / Debossing, Spot UV Ink
    Proofing Flat View Design proof, 3D View Mock-up, Physical Custom Sampling (on request)
    Turnaround Time 08 Days Turnaround (04 Days Rush)


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