Custom Handkerchief Boxes


Customer Review: 4.9 rating

Get the ideal Custom handkerchief boxes to present your handkerchiefs in. We take great pride in producing the most attractive hankie boxes for you at the lowest prices. Shop for handkerchief boxes at Custom Box Land. Spend less money. Have a better life!


Order Your Custom Packaging Boxes Quickly & Easily

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    Get the Custom Handkerchief Boxes At Wholesale Rate:

    Handkerchief boxes are a delicate and elegant packaging option that needs extra care and attention during manufacture. 

    We at Custom Box Land specialize in producing premium handkerchief boxes to satisfy the particular requirements of our customers. Each box is strong, useful, and aesthetically pleasing. This is because of the utilization of cutting-edge technology and high-quality materials by our team of professionals. 

    To develop a completely unique packaging solution for your brand, we provide a variety of customization choices, including size, color, and design. Put your trust in us to produce your handkerchief boxes in the best possible way and increase the perceived worth of your goods.

    Get Optimised Box Design:

    Our handkerchief boxes are unmatched in terms of quality and sturdiness since we only utilize the best materials in their production. Our boxes offer an attractive and luxurious look for your items while still being built to endure the challenges of shipping and handling. Count on us to provide boxes that fit your unique requirements and go above and beyond your expectations.

    We Design What You Ask For:

    Use elegantly designed handkerchief boxes to increase the charm of your clothesline’s products. Let our talented designers assist you in creating the nicest boxes possible for both display and shipping. Also, pick vibrant printing techniques and finishing options to create the ideal boxes for your requirements.

    Why Get Our Services?

    At Custom Box Land, our professionals are highly trained to think, design, print, and manufacture the final product just according to your expectations. Worried about the handkerchief packaging? Stay relaxed and let us be worried for you! 

    Get Unlimited Ideas:

    You will be confused while doing a selection of the best design for your hankie boxes. But do not worry as our design team will try to figure out the most trendy designs and show you to select the one that resonates with you and your public. 

    We Assure You 100% Genuine Quality Products:

    Stay ahead of our unrivaled custom handkerchief boxes team to acquire the best boxes for your business. Take advantage of the ideal chance to select your chosen boxes based on your demand and box specifications. 

    We are dedicated to providing quality with every purchase, from the materials we utilize to the craftsmanship of our items. When clients choose to purchase with us, they are making an investment, and we want to make sure they are comfortable with that decision. Our dedication to providing the finest service possible to our clients goes beyond a simple declaration of intent.


    Dimensions All Custom Sizes & Styles
    Color Scheme CMYK Full Color Printing Process, PMS Colors Printing, Plain White or Brown, Print Outside or Inside Only, Print Outside and Inside
    Paper Stock 14pt to 28pt (100lb to 400lb) Eco-Friendly Natural Brown Kraft Paperboard, C1S White Paperboard, Corrugated, Bux Board, paper / vinyl sticker
    Quantities 100 to 10,000,000 PER SKU
    Finishing Gloss, Matte, Spot UV, Soft Touch
    Default Process Die Cutting, Gluing, Scoring, Perforation (if required)
    Add-ons Custom Size & Shape Open or PVC Window Cut Out, Gold / Silver / Holographic / Rose Gold Foiling, Embossing / Debossing, Spot UV Ink
    Proofing Flat View Design proof, 3D View Mock-up, Physical Custom Sampling (on request)
    Turnaround Time 08 Days Turnaround (04 Days Rush)


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